It’s not easy to create a design for other people. You will have to make sure that you go through the right process so that you get the ideal finished product. This involves a lot of communication between the designer and the client that results in many design revisions.
Without this, there are too many misunderstandings that getting the ideal solution becomes impossible. By keeping clients in the loop, it allows for a better understanding of what they want from the design. Here, we will take a look at the steps required for design revisions.
Creating A Design
The first thing that we, as graphic designers, are required to do is get all the details from the client. This is what we work with, in the preliminary stage. The client briefs about all the details they want, and then leave the rest up to the designers. Depending on what was required, the finished products are complete according to the brief. Once this is done, it is sent for review to the client.
Sending For Review
Here is when we send the work to the client so that they can easily review the work. At this stage, they will be able to pick up everything that they like about the design while also listing down things that they might not like.
It is important for the client to ensure that this is done thoroughly to get the best out of their design. Otherwise, they won’t be able to understand or explain what they exactly want from the design. Once the client is done with their review, it is time for communication.
Communicating Feedback
Making sure that we understand the client’s requests and changes are essential. This can only be done once you have a clear understanding of what they want. What’s a better way to do this other than communicating using the right channels? So, depending on whatever option is convenient for you, meet up (obviously not viable at the moment) or schedule a call with your client so that you can understand better as to what they want.
During the call with the client, they will communicate to you all the changes that they would like to see in their design. Doing this will help you understand what the client might require from you. With constant communication and understanding, the chances of meeting the requirements of your client go higher.
Doing The Revision
After you have gone through with all the previous steps, it is time for you to do the revision. Do not think that the first time you do a revision will be the last time. Sometimes, the clients have a changing requirement that you will need to do. With all the feedback that you accumulate from the conversations with the client, you have to create a revision making all the changes possible that have been highlighted. Better and effective communications allow for higher chances that your revision might be the final.
When it comes to graphic design, you should always be prepared to do revisions. To do this effectively, make sure that you’re always communicating with the client so that the instructions are clearer for you